Probating Estates

The loss of someone that you love is never easy and the stress connected with handling their affairs can be overwhelming. Administrating an estate can involve filing a few papers with the court to managing a multi-year process of asset disposition.

If your loved one has properly planned, or if they did not have an estate plan in place, Thomson Law will be there for you.

Administering Estates and Trusts With Thomson Law
After a loved one passes, assets titled in that person’s name most often pass to the beneficiaries as outlined in the person’s will, but will need to go through the probate first, which can be a costly and time consuming process (anywhere from 5-19 months).

The Ohio Probate Court will appoint an executor of a will, who then go through the process of collecting and valuating all of the loved one’s assets, pay existing debts and required taxes, account for remaining assets with the court, and then begin allocating the remainder of the assets to the beneficiaries outlined in the will. This process can be time consuming and overwhelming for a grieving individual. Thomson Law is here to ease that burden.

In the event that your loved one had their assets in a trust, Thomson law provides trust administration services, which is very similar to the process outlined above in probate administration, but does not involve the courts and can generally be handled much quicker than probate.

Taking on a second life can be difficult especially hard when the family’s emotions are running high. We understand. Many of our client’s family members reach out to us when their loved one passes to help administer their estate. At Thomson Law we can promise you that we will do everything that attorneys can do to help you through this difficult time in your life.

When you need probate attorney near you, call Thomson Law at 513-831-3373 to discuss probate and trust administration or click below to schedule a consultation. Our office is located off US 50 in Milford OH, and we serve all of Hamilton County Clermont County and Northern Kentucky.